Top 5 Best Methods To Clean Stamped Concrete In San Diego

Should You Repair Or Replace Concrete Driveway In San DiegoHere are 5 of the best methods through which you can clean stamped concrete at home or office.

  1. Begin by lightly wetting down the entire stamped concrete surface with your hose.
  2. Next, mix together some mild dish soap with water in a bucket.
  3. Use your brush to scrub the soapy water mixture into the stamped concrete, working in small sections at a time.
  4. Rinse the area clean with your hose once you have finished scrubbing.
  5. Allow the surface to air dry completely before walking on it or allowing furniture to be placed back on it.


How Should Stamped Concrete Be Cleaned? 

When cleaning stamped concrete, always use a mild cleaner. The dirt that collects in the valleys and cracks of the stamped concrete will be released by the cleaner. Use of SealGreen Oil Cleaner/Degreaser is advised. To thoroughly rinse your stamped concrete, always use a garden hose. 

How Is Colored Stamped Concrete Cleaned? 

The majority of stains and filth on your stamped concrete can be removed with the use of an efficient cleaning solution that you can make using mild dish soap, laundry detergent, or any light detergent. Even cleaners that are especially designed for use on concrete are available. 

Can Stamped Concrete Be Mopped? 

Stamped concrete is simple to keep clean. Generally speaking, routine upkeep of a stamped concrete surface only requires sweeping and wet mopping with water. With a light detergent, you can also mop or pressure wash the surface. Be careful not to clean surfaces made of stamped concrete with harsh chemicals.

Give San Diego Concrete a call at (619) 383-2500 right away to avail of our excellent services in San Diego, CA.


Give our professionals at San Diego Concrete a call at (619) 383-2500 right away to know more about our excellent concrete services in San Diego, CA.